Red and yellow slices of bell pepper on white plastic chopping board over the wooden desk

How to Remove Scratches from Plastic Cutting Boards?

If you’ve been looking to learn how to remove scratches from plastic cutting boards in the comfort of your home, we have you covered! Plastic cutting boards are awesome-they’re affordable, versatile, and easy to clean. Yet, they’re not perfect. With use and time, plastic (polyethylene) boards tend to worsen. Eventually, … Continue Reading

Green bell pepper sliced on plastic cutting board on white background

How to Fix Warped Plastic Cutting Boards?

If you ever wondered how to fix warped plastic cutting boards, we’re here to help out because believe us: we’ve been there! There are actually ways to restore plastic cutting boards that are warped, you just need to know how these methods are done. Plastic cutting boards are commonly seen … Continue Reading

Person cutting tomato on plastic cutting board next to plate with vegetables on table

Can Plastic Cutting Boards Go in the Dishwasher?

Most plastic, composite, or acrylic cutting boards are dishwasher-safe. This allows for their perfect sanitization, especially the ones used with raw meat. This is pivotal for the prevention of cross-contamination! Dishwashers are awesome for the sanitization and cleaning of plastic cutting boards. Some models feature an antibacterial cycle option which … Continue Reading

Hand of multiracial person holding knife and cutting red tomato for salad on plastic board

Are Plastic Cutting Boards Safe to Use?

As long as they’re sanitized adequately, plastic cutting boards are safe to use. They come in a wide range of colors and shapes to suit everyone’s needs and preferences. Plastic cutting boards are a popular choice for different kitchens, mostly for being budget-friendly, easy to clean, and versatile. If your … Continue Reading

Sices of peppers with knife on white plastic cutting board

How to Clean Plastic Cutting Boards without Bleach?

Bleach is one of the most popular cleaning products used for the removal of stains from plastic cutting boards. Although it’s effective and disinfecting, it’s not the only option out there. In fact, there are several other methods you can use to clean plastic cutting boards without bleach. Whether it’s … Continue Reading