Do Plastic Cutting Boards Dull Knives?

Plastic cutting boards that are often made of HDPE are softer than glass and marble. Therefore, they’re considered less harmful to blades.

However, if you’re wondering do plastic cutting boards dull your knives, you should know that they’re somewhere in the middle. They’re not as gentle on your knives as wood and bamboo are.

Anyway, plastic cutting boards which are soft, yet strong enough to decrease the high risk of the knives going dull, are the best option for those who prefer these cutting boards.

Protective of blades, dishwasher-safe, and a budget-friendly choice, plastic cutting boards shouldn’t be dismissed just yet!

Do Plastic Cutting Boards Dull Knives?

Plastic cutting boards, particularly the tougher options, are less gentle on knives than wood. This is due to their complexity and density.

You can prolong your knives’ lifespan and preserve their sharpness by choosing wood or bamboo before plastic.

But, the softer type of plastic isn’t as damaging to your knives as glass and marble are. In fact, it’s a much gentler and safer option. Moreover, plastic boards tend to be only a portion of the price of premium wooden or bamboo cutting boards.

Plastic cutting boards are also very easy to clean; you can do it in the sink or in the dishwasher. When the board is worn out, the replacement won’t cost a fortune.

Plastic cutting boards are also a good choice if you want to ensure your knives’ longevity, without spending more on wooden boards. Nothing can beat good old wood when it comes to keeping blades sharp, but there’s a second best and that’s plastic.

Plastic is the preferred material for the optimal safety of your knives. But, take into account that not every type of wood and not every type of plastic can protect your blades. Both wood and plastic have pros and cons.

Wood vs. Plastic Cutting Boards

Wood has numerous benefits. It’s a lovely, natural, and strong material.

Also, it’s quite durable and attractive. Plus, it’s the best option for your knives and their sharpness.

When we use knives to cut on wooden boards, the fibers of the wood break and leave a trace. This helps avert the knives’ fine edges to roll over and go dull.

But, not every type of wood out there is good for your knives. There are ones that are too soft or too hard whereas others lack density and a uniform structure.

In the US, premium boards are usually made of hard maple as it offers just the right amount of softness and durability. It’s dense, fine-grained, and uniform. Other woods like walnut, cherry, white oak, and ash are also used to make these boards.

HDPE has properties that are similar to wood.

It’s strong, yet soft enough plastic that helps prevent knives from going dull.

However, it lacks wood’s healing properties and it tends to lose its shape when it’s suffered hundreds of knife marks. Plastic usually looks bad when it gets all worn out so it requires sanding or replacement.

This is a budget-friendly option and the replacement won’t cost a small fortune. This board is also lighter and thinner than an average wooden cutting board. It’s also dishwasher-safe, making it easy for sanitization and optimal cleaning.

When choosing the right plastic cutting board that will help reduce your knife’s dulling, avoid the harder plastic.

Though it looks nice for a longer period of time, it can be tougher on the knives. On the other hand, softer ones may develop cracks and indentations faster and need replacement faster, but at least they keep your most expensive knives sharp!

Which Cutting Boards Are the Worst for Your Knives?

If you have knives with blades that you want to prevent from going dull, it’s important to choose the right cutting board that pairs with them. This also includes staying away from the ones that are the worst for knives!

These are glass, granite, steel, sturdy plastic, porcelain, and any other hard materials which don’t scratch when cut with a knife.

Although knives are made of steel which is tough, their finely sharpened edge is quite delicate. Therefore, cutting on the above-mentioned materials will dull your knives faster than you may think.

Which Cutting Boards Are the Best for Your Knives?

If you’re looking for a knife-friendly cutting board, your best options are undoubtedly wood and plastic. Wood does feel better than plastic when working with a knife and professional chefs also recommend wooden blocks over plastic ones.

Wooden cutting boards made of teak or maple are the gentlest option for knives. They don’t dull blades as easily as other surfaces like glass or marble or very sturdy plastic do.

When it comes to bamboo, though it may be a close second to the top knife-friendly list, you need to take into account that it’s actually around 20 percent harder than maple.

But, wooden cutting boards, especially the more quality ones, tend to be on the pricier side and need proper care and maintenance.

On the other hand, plastic isn’t high maintenance and is actually cheaper. Invest in a sturdy, yet soft enough plastic board to decrease your knives’ dulling.

Plastic Cutting Board Is a Good Choice

Plastic cutting boards don’t always dull knives. In fact, softer types of plastic cutting boards, like ones made of HDPE, can help you prolong your knives’ sharpness.

The tougher plastic should be avoided if you want to keep blades sharp and their edge optimal.

Although wood is the best option out there when it comes to protecting steel blades, plastic is less expensive and easier to care for than wood.

Wood offers premium protection of blades; however, the more quality boards tend to cost more and wood needs additional and regular maintenance like oiling, handwashing, etc.

Wood and plastic are the safest choices. Avoid the worst cutting boards for your knives like ones made of glass, porcelain, and granite.

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