Can You Freeze Canned Black Beans?

Any type of beans can be frozen, including canned black beans. Black beans belong to the legume family. They’re a popular food ingredient in Central and South America, but they’re nowadays used in cuisines throughout the world.

Freezing them doesn’t just preserve their taste, flavor, and texture, but it also lowers the food waste that you and your family create.

If you have an open can of black beans which you won’t be eating anytime soon, it’s best to transfer them to a freezer-safe container and put them in the freezer.

This prolongs the beans’ lifespan and helps you have a healthy food ingredient ready for a meal in the future.

Without a doubt, black beans are a popular healthy food today.

They supply us with an excellent amount of protein and fiber, yet are low in fat. You also get some other nutrients from these delicious beans, including folate and vitamin B9.

Although they’re a favorite among vegetarians and vegans, black beans can be easily adapted to any type of diet.

Can You Freeze Canned Black Beans?

Of course. Any type of black beans can be frozen, not just canned ones. But, when you have leftover canned black beans, you should never freeze them in the can.

Instead, transfer them to a freezer-safe container or a bag. By storing them like this, you can prolong their lifespan by up to six months.

Avoid keeping the black beans in the can after opening them. Once the can is opened, the product inside is no longer protected optimally.

This is why you see foods left in the can in the fridge developing mold or going mushy after three to four days. Cans are great containers until you open them and oxygen begins to enter the content inside.

So, to avoid this mistake and prevent food waste, always put any leftover canned beans in the proper container.

The unopened cans of black beans can be kept in the pantry. You needn’t refrigerate or freeze them!

Using dry black beans is the traditional way, although the canned options are increasingly popular because they’re easy to prepare, convenient, and tasty.

The canned black beans are pre-cooked and you only need to warm them up. You can mix them up with some seasoning (sauté them with garlic, pepper, and onion) and add a dressing and eat them individually or as a side dish. You can also add them to a variety of soups, salads, or stews.

Some varieties of canned beans tend to be saltier and are already seasoned. In this case, you may not need to add extra seasoning. Some people also choose to rinse the beans to remove the surplus salt prior to consumption.

How to Store Canned Black Beans?

Unopened canned beans can be kept for up to a year in a dark area, preferably in the pantry. If the black beans have been opened, you have two storage options.

One is the fridge. Put the beans in a container and close it. In the fridge, the beans will last between three and four days.

If you want to keep them for longer, keep the beans in an airtight container or a freezer bag and store them in the freezer.

They will keep their optimal flavor for two months or so, but they’re also safe to consume even after that period, up to six months.

Leaving black beans in an open can, even in the fridge, isn’t recommendable. This will worsen the taste of the beans.

And, these cans are usually made of aluminum or tinplate, and eventually, a tiny amount of metal leaches into the food. And, this process seems to speed up when there’s oxygen involved, which happens when the can is opened.

Therefore, to prevent black beans from going bad, always transfer them to a ceramic, glass, or plastic container before storing them in the fridge or freezer.

How to Thaw Canned Black Beans?

Thawing canned black beans isn’t always necessary. You can actually cook frozen beans right away.

But, if you do prefer defrosting them first, the best way to do it is in the fridge in a freezer-safe bag or container.

Leave them overnight and in the morning, they’re ready for reheating and cooking or for adding to soups, stews, etc.

Freezing food is a great, sustainable practice of handling and storing food. It also decreases food waste in homes.

It also prolongs the food’s longevity and freshness and allows you to preserve food easily and conveniently.

How to Use Black Beans?

Black beans are an excellent food choice. They’re full of nutrients, including protein, fiber, and folate.

Plus, they’re versatile, delicious, and easily accessible. You can buy them dried or canned and eat them cold or hot.

You’ll love their creaminess inside! They also maintain their shape well, despite being processed and fried, baked, or boiled. Sometimes, black beans can go bad, especially if you don’t store them properly!

Here are some useful tips to recognize spoilt black beans:

  • Inspect them closer

Check for any signs of mold or other unusual and new characteristics. For example, a gooey texture or a white liquid may indicate that they’re spoilt.

  • Smell them

Spoilt black beans release a foul smell. If you’re still not noticing anything unusual in the smell, taste them. One bean is enough. If they taste fine, they’re probably safe for consumption.

  • Don’t have second doubts

If you feel that something isn’t right with the beans, always discard them. Spoilt beans may cause food poisoning!

Final Thoughts

Canned black beans are a convenient and affordable way to always have a delicious and nutritious ingredient in your fridge.

They are also freezer-friendly and practical to use with meals like salads or soups. Their smaller size helps them preserve their texture, unlike some other larger beans which tend to split during freezing.

In a couple of easy steps, you can learn how to freeze and store canned black beans, as well as how to incorporate them into your diet starting today.

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