Reheating white rice

Can You Reheat White Rice?

You can reheat any type of rice, including the white variety. If you have leftover rice which you’ve stored properly, either in the fridge or in the freezer, you can reheat it to make it as yummy as the first time you cooked it. There’s no need to fear the … Continue Reading

Clothes after using wrinkle release spray

Is Wrinkle Release Spray Bad For Clothes?

Do you use wrinkle spray and are not satisfied with their performance? You may be curious to know whether it affects your clothes negatively or not.  Is wrinkle release spray bad for clothes? Most sprays contain harmful elements like alcohol, Acrylic Acid, and Methyl. These elements can harm your clothes … Continue Reading

Ironing white Polyester shirt on ironing board

Can You Iron Polyester? [A Complete Guide]

Some of you may be a great fan of the polyester garment. You always pack your fancy polyester shirt, pants, or sleeveless dress with you when you travel. Why do you do so? Yeah, it is wrinkle-resistant, durable, and always fancy-wearing. I have no problem with that as I am … Continue Reading

Ironing slightly wet clothes

Is it better to Iron Clothes Wet or Dry?

It’s so common to face difficulty in ironing your favorite dress. Clothes are difficult to iron when they are dry or completely wet. In such a scenario, wrong steps can ruin your dresses easily. Is it better to iron clothes wet or dry? Indeed, it is always recommended to iron … Continue Reading

Ironing clothes on the iron table

Dry Iron vs. Steam Iron: Which Is Better?

Ironing has become a daily necessity for most people. You might not realize it, but you iron your clothes every day! So, which iron is better? Is steam iron better than dry iron? Steam iron is the best purchase as it is versatile, lightweight, and highly efficient. Steam iron works … Continue Reading

Rice porridge in plastic containers, preparing food

From Fridge to Fork: The Guide to Reheating Instant Rice

Instant rice leftovers can be reheated. But, what about those pesky bacteria that live in rice? Should you be worried? Unfortunately, some bacteria live in rice and they’re capable of surviving the reheating process. The bacterium known as B. cereus can lead to food poisoning and trigger vomiting and diarrhea. … Continue Reading