Is it better to Iron Clothes Wet or Dry?

It’s so common to face difficulty in ironing your favorite dress. Clothes are difficult to iron when they are dry or completely wet. In such a scenario, wrong steps can ruin your dresses easily.

Is it better to iron clothes wet or dry?

Indeed, it is always recommended to iron a slightly wet dress. Such ironing can remove bad spots from dresses with less effort. In contrast, removing wrinkles from over-dried or thoroughly damp clothes is almost impossible. Most importantly, the final result may not satisfy you. 

Do you want to know more about ironing wet or dry dresses? Hopefully, you are in the right place. In this article, I will guide you through this process.

Ironing slightly wet clothes

Is It Dangerous to Iron Wet Clothes?

It may be difficult to iron fully wet dresses.

It depends on the condition of your dress. Ironing a completely wet cloth may be time-consuming and hurt fabrics. Moreover, the processing time is too long, and the overall finishing would not be satisfactory. 

Let’s explore the cons


Consumes more electricity

Imagine you have collected wet clothes and started ironing. As the clothes are completely soaked, your iron may utilize its full power. Therefore, you may observe a sudden spike in your electricity bill.

So, be careful! Never blame me for the high electricity bill!

Damage fabrics

We all love to wear delicate fabrics, such as silk, chiffon, nylon, and lace. Such dresses give us comfort as they are flexible and pliable. 

Now, if you have decided to iron wet delicate fabrics, think twice. This action will damage your favorite clothes down the road. However, such a process is okay with jeans and other similar materials.

Longer processing time

Ironing wet dress may require more time to polish. After ironing, you may notice that corner areas, like the collar, and the cuff, may be wet. So, it would help if you waited some time.

However, if your dress is slightly wet, it would be super easy to iron. It has some mesmerizing advantages. I am describing some of the pros below-


Easier process

You will be surprised by observing how easy it is to iron somewhat damp clothes. Ironing slightly wet clothes is flexible and never bores you. Moreover, wrinkles vanish from your party dress or informal dress quickly.

Saves time

Ironing damp clothes is a little bit faster. You don’t need to use a spray bottle to moisten it. However, if dresses are dry, you need to invest more time to process them. Don’t you think that it is a time-consuming process?

That’s why ironing slightly damp clothes is not only easy but also faster.

Flexibility and convenience

In urban areas, it is tough to find clothes-drying areas. Sometimes you may face difficulty in storing wet clothes.

In such a scenario, your favorite iron can save you from a lot of trouble. If your dresses are slightly moist, use a steam iron to polish them and store them in your cabinet. 

Problem solved!

Removes tough wrinkles

Removing stubborn wrinkles from damp clothes is not a problem at all. Wrinkles magically disappear from your clothes when you iron wet fabrics. 

So, ironing slightly wet clothes is always recommended.

Never hurt fabrics

Using iron on damp clothes is almost harmless. It can quickly turn partially wet clothes into fresh and crisp ones and never hurt fabrics.

Therefore, you can employ this technique on both heavier and soft fabrics.

So, ironing slightly damp clothes is okay. However, if your clothes are almost wet, it may be dangerous for your dress. So, be careful!

Is It Okay to Iron Dry Clothes?

Dry clothes are more difficult to process than wet clothes

Generally, it is not okay to iron dry clothes. It may be burdensome for you for several reasons. These reasons are-

Difficult to process

You may need to attend parties or go to the office. Therefore, wishing for quick ironing is quite common. However, it is always challenging to process dry clothes. 

Moreover, there is a high possibility that you may not be satisfied with the outcome. 


Generally, we use dry or steam irons to process clothes at our home. Professional people may use steam generator iron instead of using the traditional ones.  

However, it doesn’t matter which iron you use. Ironing dry clothes always requires more time.

Not suitable for stubborn wrinkles

Removing tough wrinkles from dry clothes is impossible. If you iron too much or put extreme pressure on your clothes, it may damage the fabrics.

Therefore, you should never iron dry clothes. When clothes are dry, use several means to damp them a little bit. Then, start ironing to get a better result.

When Should I Iron My Clothes? 

Checking the condition of clothes is crucial for ironing purposes. If clothes are dripping wet, try to remove the water. Otherwise, it will require more time for the iron to polish.

Slightly wet clothes are easy to iron because of the moisture. It’s the perfect condition for removing bad spots, wrinkles, or creases.

Lastly, some clothes may be fully dry and impossible to iron. So, these clothes need to be moistened to get a better result.

Ironing Preparation for Clothes

It is recommended to follow some specific steps to iron clothes quickly. Following these steps can reduce the ironing time by a significant margin. 

Let’s look at some of the steps-

Check Appropriate Settings

Always check the appropriate settings for iron. Reading the manual of your appliance would be better for you and your clothes. 

Otherwise, the wrong setting may ruin your favorite dress quickly.

Start Iron

You may use dry, steam, or steam generator iron. With a dry or steam iron, you can start ironing just after turning it on. You don’t need to wait a bit.

But, if you use a steam generator iron, you have to wait for a few moments. Because of its larger water tank, it requires more time to get ready.

Always keep that in mind. Check the soleplate before starting to use it.

Using Damp Tools

You can moisten clothes by using damp towels. There are other ways to do so. You may use a spray bottle. Or, keep clothes in a wet bathroom or on the roof on a foggy day.

It’s totally simple. Never worry about a bit.

Iron Inside Out

Ironing sometimes may damage delicate fabrics. Therefore, iron experts always suggest turning clothes inside out to get a better result.

Turning clothes doesn’t apply to all fabrics. Just apply this technique for the following fabrics- 

  • Silk
  • Linen
  • Rayon
  • Satin

However, you can follow this method for all fabrics. It’ll save the smooth surface of your garments. For better protection, use a pressing cloth.

How to Moisten Already Dry Clothes?

Moistening clothes could make ironing pretty easy. Interestingly, there are several ways to dampen dry clothes. These are:

  • Use a regular bottle to spray water.
  • Utilize the spray feature of your steam iron. If you don’t recognize the right button, read the manual or check the internet for more information.
  • Place clothes out on a rainy day. Moister in the air will dampen your clothes. But, be aware of the sudden rain!
  • Place a damp towel on your clothes.
  • Use bare hands to splash water.

Can I Use an Iron to Dry Clothes?

Some of you prefer to use a clothes dryer to remove wetness. However, using iron for the same purpose could be beneficial. 

Let’s talk about them-

Saves Energy

Clothes dryers always require more energy to perform. The power of such an appliance may be as high as 5000 watts. On the other hand, the average power of a steam and dry iron may be around 1500 watts.

The clothes dryer is the second-highest energy-consumption home appliance, just after the refrigerator. Moreover, you may observe wrinkles in your clothes after using a dryer.

Therefore, using iron for such a purpose may be a wise decision for you.


Nowadays, you may live in a tiny apartment instead of a luxury one. Therefore, storage may be crucial for you. Storing an iron is too simple. You can keep it in your drawer and even under your bed.

However, it is not possible for a clothes dryer because of its gigantic size. 

Safer for Fabrics

Do you regularly apply dryers to your clothes? If the answer is yes, there is bad news for you. As your clothes go through several spinning, it may reduce the longevity of your clothes in the long run. 

In contrast, regular iron never puts strain on your clothes. However, always check the soleplate before buying it. Using a steam iron is always preferred for your clothes.

Saves Time

Air drying your clothes may be a little bit slow. Moreover, during the rainy season, it may require several days.

In such a situation, using iron saves a lot of time for you. It also allows you to enjoy your day without thinking about your wet clothes.

What Happens If I Iron a Wet Shirt?

Suppose you collect your shirt from the washing machine and start ironing it. What is your opinion about it? As your shirt is a little damp, you can quickly iron it within a few minutes. 

Moreover, you may able to remove stubbornness from your shirt this way. You may have faced difficulty in removing wrinkles from your shirt before. But, this process is super easy.

However, your shirt may not be completely dry just after ironing. Hang it on the roof for a few moments. After that, you can quickly wear it and feel the difference by yourself.

How Can I Dry My Clothes Quickly Without a Dryer?

There are some cheapest ways to dry clothes. I am describing some steps for you-

Use iron: Using dry or steam iron instead of a clothes dryer may be the cheapest and best option. It saves energy and provides better finishing.

Use a fan: Place clothes under a fan. Air circulation will remove moisture from clothes.

Line dry cloth: Utilizing sunlight may be another surprising way. It costs nothing at all. However, you may face problems during the rainy season.

Utilize High spin: Using your washing machine’s high spin setting will remove the highest amount of water. Moreover, washing machines use less energy compared to tumble dryers.

Use a hairdryer: If you are busy, use a hairdryer to get a better result. It is tremendously helpful for drying notorious parts of your dress, such as the collar, pocket, and cuff.

Towel method: You can use two towels to absorb water from damp clothes. It is a cheap and faster process.

Final Thought

Now, it may be clear to you that ironing slightly wet clothes is more accessible. It is better for both heavier and softer fabrics. Therefore, I recommend you always follow this rule. 

On the other hand, ironing dry clothes is complex and may put a bad mark on clothes. Thus, damp those clothes a little bit. Moreover, I also suggest you not iron thoroughly wet clothes as it affects the electricity bill negatively. 

I hope that you have learned something significant from this article. Never hesitate to comment!

Have a nice day!

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