Can You Vacuum Seal Flour?

Flour is one of those things that tends to get forgotten at the back of your pantry. This is especially true if you are not someone who bakes frequently throughout the week.

Flour can stay good for a long time, but it will not keep forever when stored in the paper bag it came in.

You can avoid food waste and finding that your flour has spoiled with the help of your vacuum sealer. Vacuum sealing flour is easy, and it is also a really good solution compared to trying to keep your flour fresh to use in its original container.

Being able to store your flour properly and readily is a snap when you use a vacuum sealer!

Flour in a bag on the table and spikelets.

How to Store Flour Using a Vacuum Sealer

Flour often comes in a paper bag from the store. This sack can get wet, it can be torn, or it might not be easy to re-seal once you have opened it.

Since you will probably be using your flour in cups or another standard form of measurement, this is the best way to divide up the flour you need to store.

Think about how much flour you usually use for your recipes. This will be the guideline that you use to help determine how much flour needs to go into each bag you seal.

Make sure that you have a flat surface to work with when you are sealing up your flour. It can be hard to keep this kind of product centered in a sealing bag without this essential component.

You will also want to have the measuring scoop or device that you are using on hand so that you can easily move the flour from the bag to the sealing bag.

Always wash your hands before you start vacuum sealing any kind of item. Your hands can be covered in bacteria which can lead to contamination of the foods that are stored inside the bag.

While this is less of an issue with something like flour, it is still a good idea to avoid this possible source of contamination for your stored flour.

Make sure that you have the right size sealing bags for your flour as well. If you cannot get a good seal on the amount that you want to have stored, you might need to cut back on the flour in each sealing bag.

Aim for a nice, even, and flat layer of product in each bag. This will ensure easy storage as well as easy use of the flour that you have stored using your vacuum sealer.

How Long Will Flour Keep When Vacuum Sealed?

We all know that flour has a long shelf life anyway, but you can keep flour fresh for years with the use of a vacuum sealer.

Your flour should be kept away from heat and bright sun in order to get the maximum shelf life from it. You can expect your flour to be kept for two to three years when it has been vacuum-sealed properly.

For flour that has been stored with the long term in mind, make sure that you check on the quality of the seals on the bags every once in a while. It is rare, but vacuum sealing bags can fail and you will want to use the product in these bags first to avoid food waste.

Since flour is not likely to actually spoil rapidly, you can just add this bag to the top of the pile. Use it within a few days so that you do not have to throw out the flour inside.

Always mark the date that you sealed the flour on each bag. This will ensure that you do not forget the product that is oldest and waste it. You can keep your flour in stacks in a pantry or cupboard and simply stack it in order of storage date as well.

How Much Flour Should I Put in Each Storage Bag?

The answer to this question depends on how you tend to cook with flour. If you are a baker, you might want to put just a single cup of flour into each bag. You can also add common amounts that you use for specific recipes to make it easy to add flour and finish cooking.

There is no wrong or right answer to this question. You will just need to be sure that the amount that you store can be contained in the bag correctly and that your sealing bag can get a good seal.

Consider as well that you will want to be sure that you are not going to waste the flour that you worked hard to store. Being sure that you can use the entire amount of flour in each bag once it has been opened is key if you want to prevent food waste.

There is no reason to open a bag and then throw out a large portion of what it contains. Using your vacuum sealer correctly can save you lots of money and time, so you don’t want to work against yourself by sealing up huge amounts of flour per bag.

Flour is Easy to Vacuum Seal

Flour is one of the easiest food products that you can seal, and it can enjoy a long shelf life when stored correctly. If you are tired of flour making a mess in your cupboards or going bad in its paper sack, this is the solution for you!

You will be so glad that you started storing your flour using your vacuum sealer when you see how much easier and tidier this process can be. Always make sure that you write the date on each sealed bag and that you check the seals of the bags periodically.

Also, consider storing your flour in set amounts that you commonly use to prevent food waste. Being able to keep your pantry tidy and your flour fresh is simple when you have a vacuum sealer on your side!

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