Can You Vacuum Seal Vegetable Seeds?

If you love to garden, you know just how hard it can be to keep all of your seed stock straight. Seeds are often really little and tend to get spilled when stored in the little packets that they are purchased in.

If you have lost seeds that you were really excited to plant, you might have been forced to make a new plan for your garden. This can all be resolved with the use of your vacuum sealer to make sure that your seeds never get lost.

If you have a vacuum sealer, you can easily seal up seeds that you want to use for any kind of crop. Removing the air from the bags that you are storing your seeds in will make them last longer and keep them organized at the same time.

No more lost seeds and messy storage spaces full of spilled bags of seed when you use a vacuum sealer for vegetable seed storage!

Farmer planting seeds in soil

Why You Need to Store Vegetable Seeds Properly

If you are not currently using any kind of method to store your seed stock, you risk losing seeds when they are spilled.

You also might have realized that you have a ton of seed stock that has become mixed together in your drawers or on the shelves of the gardening storage in your home.

In addition, seed stock that is not stored correctly can be exposed to moisture and heat and could be rendered unfit to be used.

Seeds that are not properly cared for can refuse to germinate, which can be really frustrating if you have taken the time to plant a crop with the intention of eating the resulting plants.

Gardeners and flower lovers alike need to use a quality storage method to keep their seeds protected and safe from being lost or spilled.

If you are ready to use a better storage method for your seed stock, you will want to take advantage of the process of storing your seeds with a vacuum sealer.

How to Vacuum Seal Vegetable Seeds

The first and most obvious tip that you need to remember when sealing up your vegetable seeds is that you should hold off on opening the packets until you are ready to do your sealing process.

Bags of seed that have been opened can always spill or be exposed to heat and wet before you get around to sealing the seeds up. This is a preventable issue, and you just need to be sure that you do not open the little packets of seed until you are ready to seal them up.

The other reason that you should avoid doing this is that you want to be sure that you have the same kind of seed in each storage bag.

Mixed seeds will be unlikely to flourish since vegetables often need very different conditions from one another in order to grow. Holding off from opening the seed packets until it is time to store your seeds is always ideal.

You will need to have a nice, flat surface to seal your seeds on. These are small items in most cases, and a slanted surface will increase the chances that you will spill or lose your seeds during the storage process.

Make sure as well that the surface is lighter in color than your vegetable seeds so that you can see them clearly as you are sealing them up.

Wash your hands before you start sealing up your seeds. This is a good rule of thumb for any vacuum sealing process.

Your hands can carry a large number of bacteria on them, and these bacteria can impact the health of your seeds. Clean hands are always a good first step in the vacuum sealing process.

Tips for Vacuum Sealing Vegetable Seeds

Make sure that you have the right kind of vacuum sealing bags for your sealing efforts. They need to be flexible enough that the seeds can be kept in a relatively flat layer inside the bag.

You should also be sure not to seal too many seeds in each bag. This can lead to issues with the seal on the bags and cause you to lose stored seed.

Always label your storage bags with the date that you sealed the seeds and what kind of seeds they are. This will help you to remember to plant older seeds, and it will help you keep track of how many seeds of each type you have.

If you need to plant your seeds a few different times throughout the year, be sure that you split up the seeds into more than one bag for easy access when it comes time to plant.

Your seed stock can be kept for years when properly vacuum sealed. You should, however, be sure that you are checking on the quality of the seals on each bag. If the seal feels like it is getting loose or sloppy, it’s time to plant the seeds before the bag completely fails.

This is not common, but it can happen. That is why you should be sure to check on this issue in your stored food stocks and seed stocks from time to time.

Keeping Vegetable Seeds Ready to Plant is Easy with a Vacuum Sealer

A vacuum sealer can be your best friend when it comes to keeping your vegetable seeds fresh and ready to be planted.

This is also a great tool for keeping seeds more organized and ready to be used. Make sure that you write on the sealed bags what kind of seeds you have inside each bag and the date they were sealed.

This helps to keep things straight and prevents confusion down the road. After all, you are using your vacuum sealer to keep things more organized, so you need to make sure to use all the tips and tricks in this guide.

Vacuum sealing can help keep lots of small items like seeds from getting mixed up or lost while you are waiting for the next planting season.

This is one of the best ways to make sure that your seeds are safe and ready for planting.

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