How to Keep Cake from Sliding in Carrier

The cakes are delicate. One wrong move will spoil the delight’s shape. You will end up losing the effort, time, and creativity used to mix ingredients, bake, and decorate this valued confectionary.

But, with a little creativity and caution, you can transport your cake in a carrier without it sliding and distorting its shape.

It may be your first time to transport one, and you are wondering how to keep the cake from sliding in a carrier, this post is for you.

We’ve highlighted simple tricks that will help you transport and deliver your cake in its perfect shape.

6 Ways to Prevent Cake from Sliding In Carrier

1. Use the Right Layering Frosting For Tiered Cakes

The type of layering frosting matters a lot when transporting a cake. Sticky layering frostings will keep your cake’s tiers intact even when the carrier shakes lightly. Non-sticky frostings will let the layers shift if your cake slides.

For that reason, it would matter to use sticky layering frostings like buttercream when transporting your cake. With buttercream, the cake’s tiers won’t shift even when you accelerate, decelerate, or hit a pump.

However, if you’ve already layered your cake with the less sticky layering frostings, don’t fret. Your cake can still reach its destination intact. Just make sure you use the genius tricks that follow.

2. Use the Right Carrier

Cake carriers come in varied sizes. Some are designed for large-size, tiered cakes, and others are designed for smaller cakes. A carrier’s size is often indicated by the unit’s height and diameter of the base

While a large size carrier can hold your small cake, never use it to transport the small size cake. Reason? Your cake will have plenty of room to shift around when you move, or when your car accelerates or hits a pump.

In view of that, if you wish to minimize the chances of your cake sliding while on transit, use the right carrier. That means, if your cake has a 10-inch diameter, you should use a cake carrier with a 10-inch diameter to transport it.

Supposing you lack the right cupcake carrier, check out this list of top-rated cake carriers, and choose one that would help you transport your cake without it sliding.

3. Place the Cake Carrier on a Non-Slip Mat

Cake carriers aren’t very stable, more so when kept in a moving vehicle. They can easily move and tip over when you brake or hit a pump. And, if such a situation happens, your cake will lose its shape.

Gladly, you can reduce the chances of this mess happening by simply placing your cake carrier on a silicone baking mat, pot holder, cabinet liner, yoga mat, fluffy towel, or any other non-slip mat that you can lay your hands on.

With a non-slip mat, your cake carrier will remain steady when you drive. It will not slide or fall even when you drive at a normal speed, or brake abruptly.

4. Drive Slowly and Carefully

Driving at high speed can be detrimental when transporting your cake. The impact of accelerating, decelerating, negotiating corners, and hitting pumps will easily overturn your cake carrier. Even placing the carrier on a non-slip mat will not help when driving at high speed.

For that reason, don’t be in haste when driving to an event or picnic site with your cake carrier tucked in the trunk or placed in the seat next to you. Rather, drive slowly to your destination.

Make sure you create enough time to let you transport the cake safely and carefully. That way, the sweet confectionary won’t slide in the cake carrier as a result of hitting pumps, accelerating, or decelerating.

5. Place the Cake Next To the Seat Beside You

Transporting your cake unattended in the trunk comes with a few downsides. You’ll not notice when the carrier tips off. As well, your hands won’t give the carrier the extra support needed for safe transportation.

So, if you aren’t the one driving, don’t keep the cake carrier in the trunk. Keep it in the seat next to you, or hold it on your lap. That way, you’ll have more control to keep the carrier stable throughout transit.

With your hands, you will manage to keep the carrier from tipping over when the car hits the pumps or accelerates.

If you decide to keep the carrier on the car seat next to you, make sure you lay it on a non-slip mat, and further support it with your hands. In this manner, your carrier won’t slide off the seat.

6. Offload and Handover the Cake Carrier Carefully

Keeping your cake from sliding in the carrier doesn’t end when you use the right layering frosting, put your cake in the right cake carrier, and transport it carefully to the end consumer.

But, it extends to offloading and delivering the cake safely to your clients, friends, or family. Since your cake can still slide in the event of handing it over; you need to be extra careful so that you don’t spoil your efforts at the last minute.

Wondering how to keep the cake from sliding in the carrier when handing it over? It is simple. Use one hand to support the carrier’s base, and the other one to support the lid or hold the handle. Place the carrier on a flat surface, and open the carrier’s lid carefully.

Take Away

Keeping your cake from sliding in the carrier shouldn’t be an uphill task. You just need a little creativity and caution to keep the cake intact throughout your journey to the client, or picnic site.

Stack the cake’s tiers with a sticky layering frosting to prevent the tiers from shifting or sliding when you move or drive along with the carrier.

Afterward, place the cake carrier in the trunk of your car or a seat next to you. Use a non-slid mat to keep it stable, and drive carefully to the venue. With these tricks, we bet your cake will arrive intact.

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