Do Bread Boxes Keep Bread From Molding?

There are times when you want to eat bread, maybe make sandwiches or some sweet toast out of it, only to find out that it has become stale and full of molds.

And while this can be very annoying, bread loaves are bound to go stale and grow molds eventually, especially if not properly stored.

This is the reason why many people use options like the best bread boxes, stored in brown paper bags or linen bags, refrigerators, etc., to prevent the bread from molding fast.

But do bread boxes keep the bread from molding?

Yes, they do. However, there are things to consider to get the best results when preventing molds with a bread box. Let’s first look at the many uses of a bread box.

Functions of Bread Boxes

Bread boxes have been in existence since a long time ago, right from the 17th century. While their use has declined, they are still very relevant and useful in this century.

Until recently, preservatives were not included in pastries which made the bread highly susceptible to going bad even faster. However, even with preservatives, they can only last for so long, unless extra measures are taken – which is where bread boxes come into the picture.

The major work that a bread box performs is to preserve pastries and their counterparts by conserving air and moisture at the right degree required to keep bread or other pastries soft and fresh. They extend the lifetime of bread by about a week.

Bread boxes are also very useful for aesthetics. They can give you either a rustic or modern look depending on the type you go for. There are different kinds of breadbox material and each has its perk.

What Makes Bread Grow Molds?

When you understand why bread grows mold, you will also understand why bread boxes prevent bread molds and also how they do this.

Molds are fungus (not plants, or animals) that grow on different living and non-living things. There are different types of bread molds like black bread mold, penicillin bread mold, and more.

Molds are formed out of spores that exist in environments, and by extension, can be found on bread as well.

When exposed, these spores grow into hyphae and begin to suck out the moisture in the bread, which in turn leads to the creation of bread molds. While they exist in the air and are harmless, their development into molds is usually in places with moisture or organic matter.

The carbohydrate and sugar in bread cause them to be exposed and then formed into molds. This is why bread preservation in the right conditions is important.

How to Make Sure Your Bread Box Does Its Mold Prevention Job

So now you clearly know that bread boxes keep the bread from molding, but sometimes you may notice mold in your bread and then want to throw away that bread box or start to say that they are not effective, but that would be wrong.

Breadboxes are naturally designed to have the right amount of air circulation and preserve the necessary amount of moisture as we have mentioned before, but there are certain things that you should ensure to do if you want your breadbox to prevent bread molds.

Failure to take note of these things will have you thinking that bread boxes do not do their job; meanwhile, it’s just your fault. So what can you do to ensure that your bread boxes do their job and hold off molds? Here they are:

1. Time

Bread box or no bread box, bread bought from stores will eventually go bad or stale if not eaten after a particular amount of time.

A bread box promises you an extra week of freshness, but whatever happens, if your bread lasts longer after that in the bread box would be your fault. If you want to preserve bread for a longer period, you can consider other options like a refrigerator.

Majorly though, for 4-7 days, your bread will be safely kept from molds inside your bread box.

2. Space and Quantity

Generally, it is advisable to get spacious or bigger bread boxes and also to ensure not to put more than a loaf of bread per time, if avoidable. The more the bread, the less the free circulation of air which then causes humidity and creates room for molds.

The purpose of your breadbox can be the determinant of the right size of a bread box to buy, as it might differ between bakers and those that just buy for consumption.

3. Temperature

While the material of your bread box does not strongly matter, except if you live in regions with extreme weather conditions, the location of your bread box in turn matters a lot.

Be sure that your breadbox is not placed near your gas cooker, under the direct influence of sunlight, near your refrigerator(because it emits heat), your microwave, or any other heat-emitting device – the closer it is to heat, the shorter its preservation time.

4. Cleanliness

It would entirely not be the fault of the bread box when molds get on your bread if you do not keep it clean.

Probably you have not used it for a long time, or the previous bread loaf stayed for so long it grew molds, then it is very important to clean it thoroughly and properly before putting in fresh bread to keep molds away.

5. Airtight

You would also want to make sure that your bread box is kept airtight to achieve the best results. After putting in your loaf, make sure that it is well closed.

The bread box has sufficient pores to receive the necessary amount of air; it does not need any extra air from the lid.

Your bread box on its own does a great job of preventing bread molds, but your actions or in-actions can also affect its efficiency.

Final Thoughts

There is a wide range of bread box materials and designs to select from, so feel free to explore and choose your preferred type.

However, beyond the design, a proper understanding of why bread molds grow and how bread boxes prevent the growth of molds on your bread. Proper care in handling and using your bread boxes, will give you the best results when using bread boxes to prevent bread molds.

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